Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Table of Contents

Copyrighted Materials

Chapter 1
Let’s Get Started

Your Views on Money
Wealth Aptitude Test

Chapter 2
Do You Really Need That?

Differences Between ‘Needs’ & ‘Wants’
Watch Out the ‘Marketers’ are Coming

Chapter 3
Advertising & Marketing: The Business of Hypnotism

Subliminal Messaging

Chapter 4
What Is Money? Perception is Everything

What’s Your Perception of Money?
Appreciation vs. Depreciation
Critical-Wealth Thinking

Chapter 5
What Is The MindSet®?

Three of the Four Elements
The Dangers

Chapter 6
Opinions vs. Truth: The Real Deal

Creating a Gray Area
The Process of Eliminating Opinions
Challenging Opinions

Chapter 7
Thinking Out of the Box: Finding Your Own Truth

Open End Thinking

Chapter 8
Values, Goals & Dreams

Values, Goals, & Dreams
Plan of Execution

Chapter 9
Dreams: The Treasure Map of Your Life

Constructive & Destructive Criticism

Chapter 10
The Fourth Element: Uniqueness

The Pied Piper Effect
The Game of Cool
Finding Your Uniqueness - Your Power

Chapter 11
Personality Is Everything: Your Character Becomes Your Destiny

Being Resourceful
Appreciate Who You Are

Chapter 12
Gifts, Talents, & Purpose

Purpose in Life

Chapter 13
The Biggest Secrets to Wealth

Four (4) Big Ones

Chapter 14
Develop Your Own Tagline

Chapter 15
The Assignment for Wealth Building

Seven (7) Exercises to Apply to Your Real Life in 30 day
Track exercises with points

The Promise that will never die and that will lead you to success and wealth. A powerful lesson for every teen and young adult; a rousing reminder for every parent. Over 200 pages of Truth and Greatness for each reader!

Learn more at http://www.kidz4money.com/